"How many climate sceptics does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. It's too early to say if the light bulb needs changing." -Robert Butler, environmental blogger Q
Another version of it: Q. How many environmentalists does it take to change a light bulb? A. Ten. One to write the light bulb a letter requesting that it change. Four to circulate online petitions. One to file a lawsuit demanding it change. One to send the light bulb loving kindness, knowing that this is the only way real change occurs. One to accept the light bulb precisely the way it is, clear in the knowledge that to not accept another is to do great harm to oneself. One to write a book about how and why the light bulb needs to change. And finally, one to smash the #$^#&ing light bulb, because we all know it's never going to change."
Another version of it: Q. How many environmentalists does it take to change a light bulb? A. Ten. One to write the light bulb a letter requesting that it change. Four to circulate online petitions. One to file a lawsuit demanding it change. One to send the light bulb loving kindness, knowing that this is the only way real change occurs. One to accept the light bulb precisely the way it is, clear in the knowledge that to not accept another is to do great harm to oneself. One to write a book about how and why the light bulb needs to change. And finally, one to smash the #$^#&ing light bulb, because we all know it's never going to change."